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Topic: Language and Rhetoric

Language and rhetoric play a crucial role in shaping perceptions and narratives around disability and human difference.

More on: Language and Rhetoric

The podcast episodes provided demonstrate how language and rhetoric are often misused to distort concepts, create false equivalences, and undermine important social and political issues.

For example, in #373 - Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism, the episode unpacks how anti-Zionist rhetoric employs language to demonize and delegitimize Israel, often crossing the line into outright antisemitism. Similarly, in What Is Normal?, the historical use of dehumanizing language to describe disability is critically examined.

Across the episodes, a common thread emerges of how the manipulation of language and rhetoric can be wielded to sow confusion, reinforce biases, and obscure important truths. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for navigating complex social and political discourses.

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