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Topic: Language extinction

Language extinction threatens the diversity of human linguistic and cultural heritage, with nearly half of the world's languages expected to disappear by the end of the century.

More on: Language extinction

The podcast episodes provided cover the issue of language extinction, which is a growing concern as nearly half of the world's languages are expected to disappear by the end of the century.

The episodes highlight the historical, cultural, and ecological consequences of language loss, as well as the efforts to preserve endangered languages and the unique perspectives they offer. Episode 61457 explores the extinct Norn language and its role in a novel about the Highland Clearances, while Episode 14170 examines the global threat to endangered languages and the impact on communities. Episode 2716 focuses on the efforts of a linguist to preserve the endangered Great Andamanese language, providing insights into the worldview of early humans.

These episodes demonstrate the far-reaching consequences of language extinction and the importance of preserving linguistic diversity for cultural heritage and scientific understanding.

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