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Topic: Large language models

Large language models are powerful artificial intelligence systems capable of generating human-like text, with applications across various industries.

More on: Large language models

The podcast episodes discuss the rapid progress and transformative potential of large language models, which are a type of artificial intelligence system that can process and generate human language at a remarkable scale.

These models, exemplified by systems like GPT-4, Gemini Ultra, and Llama 3, are being developed by tech giants like OpenAI, Google, and Meta, and are poised to revolutionize software development, creative problem-solving, and a wide range of other domains. The episodes cover the origins and capabilities of these models, their impact on fields like coding and scientific discovery, as well as the ethical and environmental challenges associated with their development and deployment.

For example, the episode Will AI "eat software" - and what'll happen to coders? w/ GitHub Founder & CEO Thomas Dohmke discusses how GitHub's Copilot, powered by a large language model, is transforming the software development process, while The last 6 decades of AI - and what comes next | Ray Kurzweil explores the rapid progress of AI and the potential for large language models to merge human and machine intelligence. The podcast episodes provide a comprehensive overview of the current state and future implications of this transformative technology.

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