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Topic: Late bloomers

Late bloomers are individuals who achieve significant success or realize their dreams later in life, challenging the notion that one's worth is defined by early accomplishments or attending elite colleges.

More on: Late bloomers

The podcast episodes examine the stories of 'late bloomers' - people who found success or fulfilled their aspirations later in life, defying the prevalent societal pressure for early achievements and elite educational credentials.

In 'Never Enough' and 'Roctogenarians' examine the culture of success, the episode highlights the 'toxic achievement culture' that burdens young people, leading to mental health issues, while also celebrating 'late bloomers' who challenged the idea that one's worth is defined by early success.

Similarly, in Appreciating Late Bloomers and a Big Bank, the hosts dedicate a significant portion of the conversation to exploring the phenomenon of 'late bloomers' and the implications for careers, entrepreneurship, and societal perceptions.

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