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Topic: Layer 2 scaling solutions

Layer 2 scaling solutions are a set of technologies that sit on top of blockchain networks like Ethereum to improve scalability, throughput, and efficiency without compromising on decentralization.

More on: Layer 2 scaling solutions

The podcast episodes discuss various Layer 2 scaling solutions for Ethereum, such as rollups (both optimistic and zero-knowledge), and how they can help address the network's scalability challenges.

For example, episode ''Ethereum Needs Polygon's Aggregation Layer to Scale' focuses specifically on the role of Layer 2 solutions like rollups in solving the current fragmentation of Ethereum scaling. Other episodes, such as ''ROLLUP: Blobs Arrive | BTC New High | ETH ETF? | Bankless 4th Birthday'', examine the technical developments and adoption of Layer 2 solutions like Optimism, Arbitrum, and zkSync.

The podcasts also touch on how Layer 2 scaling can impact Ethereum's monetary policy, as discussed in episodes like ''The Debate Over ETH's Monetary Policy | DH + RSA''.

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