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Topic: Left-wing politics

Left-wing politics generally refers to the political ideology and movements that advocate for social and economic equality, often with a focus on empowering marginalized groups and challenging traditional power structures.

More on: Left-wing politics

The podcast episodes provide extensive coverage and analysis of various aspects of left-wing politics, including the ideological debates, strategic challenges, and political landscapes within the left-wing movement in the United States and abroad.

Many of the episodes delve into the historical context, current dynamics, and future prospects of left-wing political organizing, with a focus on issues like socialist and democratic socialist thought, labor unions, electoral politics, social movements, and the relationship between the left and the Democratic Party.

The episodes explore topics such as the rise and fall of left-wing figures and campaigns like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn ('Sanders Campaign Post-Mortem'), the role of independent left-wing media ('Arts & Culture'), and the ongoing tensions and internal conflicts within the broader left-wing landscape ('Everybody Chill the Fuck Out').

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