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Topic: Legal accountability

Legal accountability refers to the mechanisms and processes by which individuals, institutions, and entities can be held responsible for their actions or inactions under the law.

More on: Legal accountability

The concept of legal accountability is a central theme across many of the podcast episodes, as they explore how the legal system and various legal processes can be used to address wrongdoing, seek justice, and hold perpetrators accountable.

The episodes cover a wide range of topics related to legal accountability, including presidential power and immunity Opinionpalooza: The Supreme Court Puts Presidents Above the Law (Preview), corporate exploitation and consumer rights Bonus Sample #304 Not everything that counts can be counted, sexual abuse and misconduct Remember Who the F*ck You Are | 5, environmental regulation and corporate negligence #290: The Silent Killer of South Korea That Murdered 1500 Young People, and the legal challenges surrounding election integrity #1620 Threatening the 2024 Election to Subvert Democracy, from Legal Maneuvers in Congress and Unconstitutional Congressional Maps to Violent Threats Against Election Workers.

These episodes demonstrate the diverse ways in which legal accountability mechanisms, or the lack thereof, can shape societal outcomes and impact the lives of individuals and communities.

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