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Topic: Legal System and Judicial Process

The legal system and judicial process are the frameworks that govern the administration of justice, including the courts, laws, and procedures that determine how cases are handled.

More on: Legal System and Judicial Process

The legal system and judicial process are central to the discussion around the conviction of former President Donald Trump, as highlighted in the podcast episodes.

The episodes delve into the workings of the legal system, the role of juries, and the significance of a unanimous guilty verdict against a former president. They analyze how Trump's criminal conviction could reshape the 2024 presidential race, with Trump portraying himself as a victim of a 'rigged' system and many Democrats urging Biden to aggressively highlight his opponent's convicted felon status.

The episodes also explore the broader implications of the conviction, including the integrity and politicization of the legal system, the role of the media in covering the trial, and the potential impact on Trump's political future and the broader political landscape.

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