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Topic: Legends and Folklore

Legends and folklore are traditional stories passed down through generations, often featuring supernatural elements and exploring the mysteries of the past.

More on: Legends and Folklore

The podcast episodes provided delve into various aspects of legends and folklore, ranging from local legends and ancient mysteries to supernatural occurrences and the cultural beliefs that shape these stories.

For example, episode 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia explores the discovery of a mysterious petroglyph boulder in the Appalachian Mountains, which leads the guests on a hunt for the lost treasure of the Swift Silver Mine. Similarly, episode 551: Giants of Malta | Evidence the Ancient Builders are Hiding Underground investigates the legends surrounding the mysterious megalithic structures of Malta and the possible existence of giant beings who may have constructed them.

Other episodes, such as Legends 22: Trickster Devils and Legends 27: Scapegoats, delve into the darker aspects of legends and folklore, examining how these stories have been used to perpetuate fear, superstition, and persecution throughout history.

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