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Topic: LGBTQ+ discrimination

LGBTQ+ individuals have faced a long history of discrimination, oppression, and government-sanctioned persecution in the United States.

More on: LGBTQ+ discrimination

The podcast episodes highlight various aspects of LGBTQ+ discrimination, from the historic 'Lavender Scare' in the 1950s that targeted queer Americans, to the ongoing challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community, such as violence, hate speech, and legal battles for equal rights.

For example, episode 131: The Dark History of "The Lavender Scare": An Unknown War on Queer American Citizens chronicles the vicious anti-gay witch hunt led by the U.S. government that ruined thousands of lives, while episode #905 - "Censored!, GOP Scrambling Post-Alabama IVF Ruling, & Nex Benedict's Tragic Killing." discusses the tragic killing of a non-binary teen and the hateful rhetoric from a Republican senator.

These examples demonstrate the long-standing and pervasive nature of LGBTQ+ discrimination, which has taken many forms throughout history and continues to be a pressing issue today.

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