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Topic: Life expectancy

Life expectancy is a measure of the average number of years a person is expected to live, based on current mortality rates and other factors.

More on: Life expectancy

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of life expectancy, including its relationship to economic and social policies, the impact of increasing longevity on financial planning and retirement, and the biological factors underlying changes in life expectancy.

For example, the episode 'The 14 years that broke Britain, part 1' explores how austerity policies in the UK may have contributed to the stalling of life expectancy, demonstrating the potential human impact of political decisions. Similarly, the episode 'Heir tight: why boomers are so stingy' discusses how the increasing life expectancy of baby boomers has influenced their saving and spending habits, as they need to plan for longer retirements.

The episodes highlight the multifaceted nature of life expectancy and its relevance to a range of social, economic, and political topics.

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