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Topic: Life Reviews

Life reviews, which occur during near-death experiences, are transformative, revelatory experiences that prompt personal growth and reprioritization.

More on: Life Reviews

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of 'Life Reviews' as a common element reported in near-death experiences (NDEs). During a Life Review, individuals re-experience their entire lives, often in vivid detail, and gain a new perspective on their actions, relationships, and priorities.

This transformative experience is described as prompting personal growth and a reprioritization of values, as people gain a deeper understanding of their lives and the impact they have had on others. The Life Review is presented as an important component of the NDE narrative, providing evidence of an afterlife and the eternal nature of the human soul.

The episodes reference specific examples of Life Reviews, such as John Burke discussing the revelatory and growth-inducing nature of this experience and Dr. Jeffrey Long presenting it as a common element in his research on NDEs.

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