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Topic: Life stages and transitions

Life stages and transitions explore the personal and interpersonal challenges that individuals face as they navigate different phases of their lives, from relationships and career to identity and mortality.

More on: Life stages and transitions

The podcast episodes provided explore various life stages and transitions, such as discovering one's purpose and identity, navigating relationships and family dynamics, and grappling with the complexities of adulthood and aging.

For example, the episode "Dr. James Hollis: How to Find Your True Purpose & Create Your Best Life" delves into the psychological aspects of self-discovery, unconscious patterns, and the search for meaning, particularly in the second half of life. The episode "Kindness Is Golden" examines the transitions of dating, marriage, parenthood, and later-in-life relationships, while "Alison Gives Advice with Heléne Yorke" touches on the importance of embracing uncertainty and personal growth.

Additionally, the episode "Episode 5: In Flux: Friend Breakups, Rescheduling Plans, Embracing Uncertainty, and Moving On" explores the shifting priorities and perspectives that can occur as individuals navigate different life stages, from the challenges of friendship breakups to the value of non-attachment.

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