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Topic: Lifestyle and health

Lifestyle choices and habits that can optimize health and prevent chronic diseases like cancer.

More on: Lifestyle and health

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of how our modern lifestyles can disrupt our natural circadian rhythms and the importance of aligning our daily habits with our body's internal clock for better health outcomes.

For example, the episode 'Fix your body clock to improve long term health with Prof. Satchin Panda' delves into the science behind circadian rhythms and provides practical advice on time-restricted eating and sleep habits to synchronize our lifestyles with our natural body clocks.

Another episode, 'Nassim Taleb | Why You Should Embrace Uncertainty', explores how embracing uncertainty and variability in our lives, similar to our evolutionary ancestors, can foster antifragility and resilience.

The 'Cancer Biologist Explains the Importance of Early Cancer Detection and Top Lifestyle Tips For Cancer Prevention' episode highlights the influence of lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and alcohol consumption on overall health and cancer risk.

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