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Topic: Lipid energy model

The lipid energy model is a theoretical framework proposed by Dave Feldman to explain why some individuals on low-carbohydrate diets may experience elevated LDL cholesterol levels.

More on: Lipid energy model

The lipid energy model is a central concept discussed in the podcast episodes, as it provides a theoretical basis for understanding the phenomenon of 'lean mass hyper-responders' - individuals who experience a spike in LDL cholesterol levels when following a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet.

According to this model, the body prioritizes the use of fat as fuel, leading to increased production and release of cholesterol into the bloodstream to meet the body's energy needs. This helps explain why certain individuals may see elevated LDL levels despite the beneficial effects of low-carb diets on other markers of metabolic health.

The podcast episodes Episode 169: Dave Feldman talks about cholesterol and the ketogenic diet and #222 - Harvard Scientist: "Eating OREO's Can CURE High Cholesterol" | Nick Norwitz PhD delve deeper into the lipid energy model and its implications for understanding the relationship between diet, cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease risk.

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