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Topic: Literary criticism and analysis

Literary criticism and analysis examines the interpretation, meaning, and significance of literary works and their cultural impact.

More on: Literary criticism and analysis

The topic of literary criticism and analysis is highly relevant to the podcast episodes provided, as both episodes delve into in-depth discussions and analyses of significant literary figures and their works.

In the episode 'What Even Is Garfield?', the hosts engage in a critical analysis of an essay about the role of suspense in storytelling, which is a key aspect of literary criticism. Similarly, the episode 'Dr. Samuel Johnson: Hustler, Savage, Grifter, Great' chronicles the life and contributions of the influential 18th-century English critic, Dr. Samuel Johnson, who was a pioneering figure in literary analysis and criticism.

These examples demonstrate the relevance of literary criticism and analysis to the podcast episodes, as they showcase how the hosts examine and interpret various literary works and their cultural significance.

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