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Topic: Lobbying and political influence

Lobbying and political influence refers to the ways in which individuals, organizations, and special interest groups use advocacy and financial resources to sway lawmakers and shape policies in their favor.

More on: Lobbying and political influence

The podcast episodes provided highlight several cases where lobbying and political influence have played a significant role in shaping policies and outcomes.

In The Demon Spread, the episode chronicles the dairy industry's successful campaign to restrict the sale of margarine, a cheaper butter substitute, through lobbying and influencing legislation in their favor.

Similarly, Twins Pod - Episode 5 - UFC Legend Jake Shields discusses the influence of pro-Israel lobbying groups like AIPAC on American politics and their ability to sway politicians through funding and support.

The The Bombshell Case That Will Transform the Housing Market episode examines how the National Association of Realtors (NAR) has long wielded significant influence over housing policies, but a landmark legal settlement has the potential to reduce their lobbying power and introduce more competition in the real estate industry.

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