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Topic: Local organizing

Local organizing refers to the grassroots efforts of communities and social movements to build power and drive change at the local level.

More on: Local organizing

The podcast episodes highlight the importance of local organizing as a key strategy for advancing progressive policies, countering right-wing extremism, and building diverse, working-class coalitions.

The episodes emphasize the significance of amplifying local voices, establishing a community-level presence, and engaging in ground-level activism to drive change. This is seen as a vital counterpoint to the top-down, nationalized approaches that have often alienated rural and working-class voters.

For example, the episode 'How Far-Right, Extremist Militias Organize On Facebook' discusses the emphasis on local organizing and coalition-building among militia groups, while '#1495 No One Supports the Economic Interests of Rural America (Repost)' explores strategies for regaining trust and building working-class coalitions outside cities to counter Republican narratives and right-wing populism.

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