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Topic: Long-form writing

Long-form writing is a genre that delves deeply into complex topics, offering readers a comprehensive understanding through in-depth analysis and thoughtful exploration.

More on: Long-form writing

The podcast episodes provided explore the nuances and considerations of long-form writing, covering a range of topics such as the writing process, developing one's unique voice, leveraging AI tools, and the synergy between writing and investing.

For example, episode How To Publish Your Best Ideas Online | Packy McCormick discusses Packy McCormick's approach to long-form writing and how it has helped him find his authentic voice, while episode 20VC: Scaling Wait But Why to 600,000 Subs; Behind the Scenes on The Research Process, How to Learn Entirely New Topics Fast, The Writing Process and Building Good Habits & The Distribution Process and the Business Behind the Blog with Tim Urban delves into Tim Urban's experiences in building the popular Wait But Why blog, including his research and writing processes.

Episode Episode 516: David Wolman provides insights from writer David Wolman on the nuances of long-form journalism, including story development, interviewing, and structure.

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