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Topic: Longevity and aging

Longevity and aging encompass the scientific exploration of interventions, lifestyle factors, and biological mechanisms that can influence the aging process and extend healthy lifespan.

More on: Longevity and aging

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of longevity and aging, including the science behind factors that impact lifespan and healthspan, as well as personal journeys and strategies for staying healthy and active as we age.

For example, in episode The Secret to Success Is... Giving Up?, Mark Manson discusses his interest in longevity and maintaining muscle mass as he gets older, which informs his updated fitness goals. In episode Special episode: Peter on exercise, fasting, nutrition, stem cells, geroprotective drugs, and more - promising interventions or just noise?, Peter Attia explores various health interventions and their potential impact on longevity.

Similarly, in episode The Longevity Expert: The Truth About Ozempic, The Magic Weight Loss Drug & The Link Between Milk & Cancer!, Dr. Mark Hyman discusses the principles of functional medicine and how factors like diet, lifestyle, and community can influence biological age and longevity.

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