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Topic: Love and sexuality

Love and sexuality are fundamental aspects of the human experience, shaping our personal relationships, social norms, and political ideologies.

More on: Love and sexuality

The podcast episodes provide in-depth examinations of the revolutionary feminist perspectives of Alexandra Kollontai and Emma Goldman, highlighting their progressive views on love, sexuality, and the reimagining of romantic relationships in a socialist or anarchist society.

Kollontai's essay 'Make Way for Winged Eros' is discussed in detail, exploring her ideas about redefining love and sexuality in the context of the October Revolution and the early Soviet Union. Similarly, the episode on Emma Goldman covers her advocacy for individual freedom and her opposition to hierarchical systems, including her perspectives on property, government, and the acceptance of diverse sexualities.

These episodes showcase how the topic of love and sexuality was intertwined with the revolutionary political and social ideas of these influential feminist thinkers.

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