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Topic: Lunar exploration

Lunar exploration involves the scientific investigation and commercial development of Earth's natural satellite, the Moon, through a range of robotic and crewed missions by various nations and private companies.

More on: Lunar exploration

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics related to lunar exploration, including plans for establishing a permanent human presence on the Moon, utilizing its natural resources, and developing advanced technologies for lunar missions.

Several episodes discuss the efforts of various countries, such as the United States, China, and Japan, to advance their lunar exploration capabilities, including missions to land robotic probes and rovers on the lunar surface, as well as proposals to build radio telescopes and other scientific infrastructure on the far side of the Moon. These frog 'saunas' could help endangered species fight off a deadly fungus, 2/2: #Hotel Mars: Building Radio Telescopes on the Far Side of the Moon, and PREVIEW: MOON: RADIO ASTRONOMY: Conversation with Professor Jack Burns provide relevant examples.

The podcast also explores the growing role of private companies in lunar exploration, such as Intuitive Machines' successful landing of the Odysseus lander on the Moon, as discussed in the episode Landing on the moon, with Steve Altemus, CEO of Intuitive Machines.

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