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Topic: Maintaining perspective

Maintaining perspective involves cultivating a balanced mindset and avoiding complacency amidst success or challenging circumstances.

More on: Maintaining perspective

The concept of 'maintaining perspective' is a central theme that emerges across several podcast episodes, where the hosts and guests explore strategies for staying grounded and focused amidst fluctuating personal and professional circumstances.

In Zooming Out and then Zoom Back In, host Mike Slater discusses the importance of 'zooming out' to gain a bigger picture perspective, while also 'zooming in' to act with intentionality. Similarly, in Giggling about fangirling, public bathrooms, and Erewhon, the hosts examine the challenges of remaining authentic and grounded as they experience newfound success and fame.

Furthering this theme, in Author of Control, Influence, Accept (For Now) Dan Moore shares insights from his new book, the guest Dan Moore shares his experiences navigating difficult situations, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, constructive self-talk, and finding joy and fulfillment, even amidst adversity.

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