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Topic: Managed Retreat

Managed retreat is the strategic relocation of communities away from high-risk areas to reduce the impacts of climate change-related hazards like wildfires and coastal flooding.

More on: Managed Retreat

The concept of 'managed retreat' is explored in several podcast episodes as a potential solution for reducing the risks and impacts of climate change-fueled disasters like wildfires and coastal flooding.

In the episode Fighting Fire with Fire, managed retreat is discussed as a way to move communities out of high-risk fire zones. The episode Uprooted examines the complexities of managed retreat in coastal cities facing sea level rise, emphasizing the need for thoughtful and equitable approaches. The Flood City episode explores how the city of Norfolk, Virginia is using managed retreat through home buyouts as a strategy to adapt to increasing flooding.

These podcast episodes highlight the challenges and considerations around implementing managed retreat, including the need to address the disproportionate impacts on marginalized communities and ensure that relocation efforts are done in a fair and sustainable manner.

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