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Topic: Manifesting

Manifesting is the belief that one's thoughts, emotions, and beliefs have the power to shape the reality around them and create the life they desire.

More on: Manifesting

The podcast episodes provided explore the concept of manifesting in depth, with various experts and hosts sharing their personal experiences and perspectives on the practice.

For example, in the episode "Synced: Mary Katherine Paulson", hosts Monica and Liz discuss manifesting and the Synced hierarchy of needs, while in "Were The Anunnaki Known as the Ordainers of Destiny? By Billy Carson", the topic of consciously manifesting one's desired reality through applied intent is a core focus.

The podcast "The Psychology of Manifesting: How to Create the Life You Want" delves into the psychological aspects of manifesting, exploring both the potential benefits and the problematic pseudoscience associated with the concept.

Overall, the podcast episodes provide a nuanced and multifaceted exploration of the practice of manifesting and its potential impact on individuals' lives.

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