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Topic: Marine ecosystems

Marine ecosystems encompass diverse, interconnected habitats that play a crucial role in the health and balance of the planet.

More on: Marine ecosystems

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to marine ecosystems, including deep ocean exploration, the impacts of climate change and human activities on coral reefs and other marine habitats, the importance of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services, and efforts to restore and conserve these vital environments.

For example, the episode 'The deepest spot in the ocean' explores the potential connections between shallow and deep ocean environments, while 'Corals Are Once Again Bleaching En Masse, but Their Fate Isn't Sealed' and 'Corals Are Once Again Bleaching En Masse, but Their Fate Isn't Sealed' focus on the critical role of coral reefs and the threats they face.

Other episodes, such as 'The Unequal Climate Impacts on Natural Capital (w/ Dr. Bernie Bastien-Olvera)' and 'Hawaii: Paradise in peril', delve into the broader environmental and economic impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems, as well as efforts to protect and restore these habitats.

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