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Topic: Maritime history

Maritime history chronicles the exploration, trade, and cultural interactions that have unfolded across the world's oceans over centuries.

More on: Maritime history

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of topics within the broader field of maritime history, from the maritime issues that led to the War of 1812 The War of 1812 to the evolution of maritime law and international waters The Law of the Sea.

Other episodes dive into specific maritime events and figures, such as the mutiny on the HMS Bounty The O'Reilly Update, June 14, 2024, the discovery of the wreck of the Confederate blockade runner SS Georgiana Discovering the Wreck of the SS Georgiana, and the story of the real-life 'Robinson Crusoe', Alexander Selkirk The Real-Life Robinson Crusoe is Rescued.

The episodes also cover broader topics in maritime history, including the achievements of the Phoenician civilization The Phoenician Civilization (Encore), the construction of the Suez Canal Construction Begins on the Suez Canal, and the mysterious shipwrecks along the Manila-Acapulco trade route The case of the serial sinking Spanish ships.

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