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Topic: Marxist Philosophy

Marxist philosophy is a comprehensive worldview that analyzes the dialectical relationship between material conditions and social/political structures, with the aim of understanding and transforming the capitalist system.

More on: Marxist Philosophy

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of Marxist philosophy, including debates within the tradition and its application to contemporary issues.

For example, episode The War on Lesbians & Wholesome Families discusses the Marxist perspective on the dissolution of the family unit, while episodes Dialectics Deep Dive: The Final Installment and Dialectics Deep Dive IIX: Contradiction and Overdetermination (Pt. 1) delve into Althusser's critiques of dialectical materialism and the concept of overdetermination.

Other episodes, such as Louis Althusser: Marxist Theory and Philosophy and Marxist Theory: Engels, Lenin, and Dialectical Materialism, provide overviews of key Marxist thinkers and concepts, while [BEST OF] Defending Socialism: Human Nature and the Nightmare of History explores the philosophical foundations of socialism.

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