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Topic: Mass appeal

Mass appeal refers to the ability of a political leader or movement to connect with and resonate with a broad segment of the population, often by tapping into their aspirations and grievances.

More on: Mass appeal

The podcast episodes explore how Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, has been able to cultivate mass appeal and widespread popularity among the Indian electorate.

The first episode, Trailer: The Modi Raj, examines how Modi has overseen rapid economic growth while promoting a Hindu nationalist agenda that has marginalized religious minorities, creating tension between his economic vision and Hindu nationalist ideology. This highlights how Modi has been able to connect with the masses despite his divisive policies.

The second episode, 243 - Revolutionary Prefiguration (w/ Anark), discusses the concept of prefiguration, or building new societal models in the present, to challenge hierarchies. This relates to Modi's ability to present himself as a transformative, revolutionary figure who can reshape Indian society.

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