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Topic: Mass Media

Mass media is a powerful tool that can shape public opinion and influence cultural discourse through various platforms, including television, radio, and the internet.

More on: Mass Media

The podcast episodes provided discuss how mass media can be used as a tool to spread ideas and messages, both in the context of corporate branding and artistic activism.

In the episode Systems Thinking (E), Seth Godin discusses how major brands like Betty Crocker were able to succeed by recognizing and capitalizing on broader systemic shifts, such as the rise of radio broadcasting, which enabled them to reach a mass audience.

Similarly, the episode Decoder Ring: When Art Pranksters Invaded Melrose Place explores how an artist collective secretly placed provocative art on the set of the popular 1990s TV show Melrose Place, using the wide-reaching platform of mass media to disseminate unconventional artistic messages and social commentary to a large audience.

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