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Topic: Mass surveillance

Mass surveillance refers to the large-scale, indiscriminate monitoring and collection of individuals' personal data and communications by governments and other entities.

More on: Mass surveillance

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of mass surveillance, including attempts by governments and powerful entities to expand surveillance capabilities under the guise of national security or other pretexts.

For example, episode They're TERRIFYING Us Into Accepting Mass Surveillance! w/ Neil Oliver explores how fear tactics are being used to convince the public to accept mass surveillance measures, while episode 146: ANOM delves into the ethical dilemmas surrounding the FBI's monitoring of encrypted communications from criminal organizations.

Other episodes, such as Wall Street Is Pulling HUGE Climate Scam On Latin America! w/Whitney Webb and Facial recognition part of Israel's arsenal in Gaza war, warn about the expansion of surveillance systems through initiatives like 'smart borders' and the use of facial recognition technology, often targeting minority groups and civil liberties.

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