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Topic: Meaning of life

The search for meaning and purpose in the face of life's transience and the inevitability of death.

More on: Meaning of life

The topic of the meaning of life is explored in several of the podcast episodes provided, as the hosts and guests grapple with fundamental existential questions about the purpose and significance of human existence.

For example, in the episode Day 149: All Is Vanity (2024), the host discusses the central philosophical theme of the book of Ecclesiastes, which delves into the question of whether human life has any lasting meaning and importance. Similarly, the episode "Jeremy Renner" touches on deeper questions about the meaning of life, mortality, and finding fulfillment.

Other episodes, such as Dark Matter & The Future of Life Beyond Earth | Alex Filippenko (Replay) and #350 - Betül Kaçar: Origin of Life, Ancient DNA, Panspermia, and Aliens, explore the meaning of life through the lens of scientific exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life, considering how our understanding of the cosmos might inform our sense of purpose.

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