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Topic: Media ethics

Media ethics involves the principles and practices that guide responsible and accountable journalism, balancing the public's right to information with ethical standards of fairness, accuracy, and integrity.

More on: Media ethics

The podcast episodes cover a range of issues related to media ethics, including unethical practices in journalism, the spread of misinformation, the influence of corporate interests, and the ethical considerations surrounding true crime storytelling and reality television.

For example, the episode 'Democracy Now! 2024-07-01 Monday' discusses an ethics scandal at the Washington Post, while the episode 'Emily Nussbaum on the Beginnings of Reality TV' examines the ethical considerations surrounding the rise of reality television. The episode '#1549 Fox News is worse than we imagined or: they all knew they were lying' delves into the ethical implications of Fox News knowingly spreading false claims about the 2020 election.

These episodes highlight the importance of media ethics in maintaining journalistic integrity, combating the spread of misinformation, and ensuring responsible reporting and storytelling.

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