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Topic: Medical debt

Medical debt is a pervasive issue in the United States, leading to personal bankruptcies and impacting millions of Americans.

More on: Medical debt

The provided podcast episodes explore the topic of medical debt in the United States, highlighting its prevalence, causes, and potential solutions.

Several episodes, such as Consumers snap shut their wallets, Trump STUNNED INTO SILENCE over DISASTROUS POLLS, and Jobs IRL: Georgia bets big on EVs, and Savannahians, discuss the broader economic and political implications of medical debt, including its impact on consumer spending, credit scores, and government policy.

Other episodes, such as What fixes medical debt, How a Former Surgeon General Took on a $5,000 ER Bill, and Much more than just checking a box, delve deeper into the personal experiences of those affected by medical debt, the challenges in navigating the healthcare system, and potential remedies such as debt forgiveness or a single-payer healthcare system.

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