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Topic: Medical Freedom

Medical freedom refers to the right of individuals and healthcare providers to make autonomous decisions about medical treatment without government interference or coercion.

More on: Medical Freedom

The topic of 'Medical Freedom' is central to the discussions in the provided podcast episodes, which explore concerns about the politicization of medicine and the importance of preserving the autonomy of physicians and patients in making healthcare decisions.

In Episode 125 of Triggered With Don Jr., Dr. Drew Pinsky expresses his mission to restore medical freedom and protect the autonomy of physicians, criticizing the behavior of medical professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic and advocating for free speech and open discussions in the medical field.

Similarly, Episode 128 of The Dr. Tyna Show features a discussion with Dr. Stephanie Sur about how citizens can effectively participate in the legislative process and influence government decisions, particularly regarding medical freedom and health-related issues.

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