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Topic: Medical procedures

Medical procedures encompass a wide range of treatments, surgeries, and interventions performed by healthcare professionals to diagnose, treat, and manage various medical conditions.

More on: Medical procedures

The podcast episodes explore various medical procedures, including both traditional and innovative approaches, and their impact on individuals and society.

For example, one episode discusses a new micro-robotic technology that could revolutionize internal organ visualization and reduce the need for invasive endoscopies. How you could see inside your body - with a micro-robot | Alex Luebke, Vivek Kumbhari

Other episodes delve into sensitive topics like the medical procedures involved in abortions The Abortion Pill: How Dangerous Is It Really?, the potential side effects of weight loss drugs Johann Hari: Uncovering if Ozempic is a Miracle Drug or Health Hazard & 3 Things They Do Not Want To Tell About Ozempic, and the impact of medical procedures on children's psychological well-being What exactly causes childhood trauma?.

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