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Topic: Medical technology

Medical technology encompasses the development and application of innovative devices, tools, and techniques to improve healthcare diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes.

More on: Medical technology

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of medical technology, including emerging technologies like the Apple Watch, AI-powered grading tools, brain-computer interfaces, and organ perfusion systems.

For example, the episode 'Should AI Be Trusted With Grading Students' Work?' discusses the use of AI in education, while 'Pain Relief: New approaches to how we live with pain' explores new technologies for pain management. The episode 'The First Person to Get Elon Musk's Neuralink Brain Chip' focuses on Neuralink, a brain-computer interface technology, and 'The miracle of organ donation - and a breakthrough for the future' highlights the development of machine perfusion, a technology that keeps donor organs alive outside the body.

These podcast episodes showcase the diverse applications and potential impact of medical technology, from improving educational outcomes to enhancing patient care and enabling new medical breakthroughs.

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