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Topic: Meteorology

Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere and its effects on weather patterns, including phenomena like tornadoes, hurricanes, and snowstorms.

More on: Meteorology

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to meteorology, including the science behind weather forecasting, the impacts of climate change on extreme weather events, and the latest research and technologies in the field.

For example, the episode Why Extreme Weather Keeps Surprising You delves into the challenges of attributing specific weather events to climate change, while Why does rain fall in tiny droplets and not big plops? explores the atmospheric phenomena behind the formation of raindrops.

Other episodes, such as 6 AM ET: Alberto to make landfall, CNN debate set, astronauts stranded & more and Reactions (and Recoil) to the Bump Stock Ruling, discuss the real-world impacts of weather events and the role of meteorological services in monitoring and responding to them.

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