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Topic: Microaggressions

Microaggressions are subtle, often unintentional, comments or actions that communicate negative or derogatory messages about a person's identity or background.

More on: Microaggressions

The podcast episodes provided discuss the topic of microaggressions and their impact on creating inclusive environments. Several episodes, such as episode 53810, episode 54048, and episode 55136, focus on the need to address microaggressions as part of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts.

The episodes highlight the importance of understanding cultural contexts, promoting psychological safety, and creating environments where microaggressions can be addressed as part of the learning process. The guests also discuss strategies for leaders and practitioners to effectively respond to and overcome the fears and resistance that can hinder progress on DEI initiatives.

Overall, the podcast episodes emphasize the critical role of addressing microaggressions in building more inclusive and equitable workplaces and communities.

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