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Topic: Military

The military refers to the armed forces of a country, comprising the land, naval, air, and sometimes space forces, responsible for national defense and security.

More on: Military

The military is a central theme in several of the podcast episodes, with various aspects of military service, operations, and experiences being discussed.

For example, episodes such as Introducing Medal of Honor: Stories of Courage, Someone is Killing the Wolfhounds, and EP: 236 The Ghost Children with Zach Bell focus on the experiences and challenges faced by military personnel, including combat, heroism, and the psychological impacts of service.

Other episodes, such as The Austin, TX Extravaganza! and Wes Nichols -- March Capital, discuss the transition from military to civilian life and the application of military skills and experiences in other contexts, like entrepreneurship and leadership.

The military is also explored in the context of broader social and political issues, such as in the episodes Selects: How Dictators Work and #314: College girl murdered by Special Ops for being an "International Spy", which examine the role of the military in enabling and sustaining authoritarian regimes and the potential consequences of military involvement in civilian affairs.

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