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Topic: Military Industrial Complex

The military-industrial complex refers to the powerful network of relationships between the military, arms manufacturers, and political interests that can prioritize profit over democratic values.

More on: Military Industrial Complex

The podcasts cover the military-industrial complex from various angles, highlighting its influence on U.S. foreign policy, its role in perpetuating unnecessary wars, and its detrimental impact on democracy.

Several episodes feature interviews with individuals like Tulsi Gabbard Tulsi Gabbard: Why I Left the Democratic Party - And How We Stop the Woke Warmongers, Shawn Ryan Shawn Ryan on the Physical and Emotional Toll of War, the Military-Industrial Complex, and Real Life Angels, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. You'll Get The Political Leadership You Deserve. With Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who offer first-hand accounts and critical perspectives on the military-industrial complex.

The podcasts also explore how the military-industrial complex has influenced geopolitical tensions, the war in Afghanistan, the conflicts in the Middle East, and the rise of China, as well as its connections to issues like climate change, surveillance, and corporate power.

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