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Topic: Mindful Spending

Mindful spending involves being intentional and discerning about how your money is spent, focusing on value and avoiding impulse purchases.

More on: Mindful Spending

The podcast episodes presented explore the concept of mindful spending, encouraging listeners to critically examine their spending habits and identify areas where they can cut back on unnecessary or unfulfilling purchases.

In Small Tweaks To Save Big Money: Episode 459, hosts Catie Parrish and Katie Gouldner share practical tips and tricks for stretching dollars and saving money, particularly in areas like groceries and eating out. They also discuss the benefits of a recent 'no-spend' month undertaken by one of the hosts.

The 5 Things We Spent Money Last Year on That Didn't Bring Us Joy and 5 Things We Spent Money on Last Year That Surprisingly Made Us Happy episodes from the Girls That Invest podcast delve deeper into the notion of aligning spending with personal values and sources of happiness, highlighting the importance of reevaluating societal norms and trends to find what truly matters.

Finally, the Overhyped vs. Underhyped: Critiquing Today's Money and Pop Culture Trends episode of the Smart Money Happy Hour podcast encourages listeners to be mindful consumers, resisting impulse buying and focusing on acquiring things that truly add value to their lives.

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