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Topic: Minimum viable product (MVP)

A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for further development.

More on: Minimum viable product (MVP)

The concept of the minimum viable product (MVP) is a central theme across many of the podcast episodes, reflecting its importance in the startup and product development process.

Several episodes, such as 20Product: Sequoia's Product-Market Fit Framework, The Bevz Effect: Jason Vego's Strategy to Disrupt the Convenience Retail Sector, and How to Build An MVP with Michael Seibel, discuss the value of starting with a minimum viable product, getting it in front of customers, and iterating based on feedback.

The episodes highlight how an MVP allows founders to validate assumptions, test the market, and gather crucial user insights before investing substantial resources into building out a full product. The goal is to find product-market fit as efficiently as possible.

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