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Topic: Miracles

Miracles are extraordinary events or occurrences that defy natural explanation and demonstrate the power and presence of the divine in human lives.

More on: Miracles

The podcast episodes discussed focus on the theme of miracles, exploring how God can work supernaturally to provide resources, open doors, and perform miraculous acts that exceed human understanding.

Several episodes feature personal stories and biblical examples that illustrate God's power to intervene in seemingly impossible situations, including Seeing Beyond the Logical, Stay Thirsty, and It's Not Over.

Other episodes delve deeper into the theological aspects of miracles, discussing topics like the role of faith, the cessation of certain miraculous gifts, and the differences between the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of the Spirit's power as seen in the book of Acts, as explored in Ep 897 and Ep 895.

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