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Topic: Misinformation and trust

Misinformation and trust on the internet is a growing concern as AI-generated content makes it increasingly difficult to distinguish real from fake, eroding public trust.

More on: Misinformation and trust

The podcast episodes discuss how the influx of AI-generated content, such as spam and clickbait, is overwhelming existing social media platforms and blurring the lines between what is real and what is artificial.

This trend is raising concerns about the erosion of trust in online content, as it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish genuine information from AI-generated material. The episodes explore the impact of this on the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories, and the broader implications for the future of the internet and online discourse.

The episodes '''Zombie Facebook' takes over + ScarJo vs OpenAI' and 'Will A.I. Break the Internet? Or Save It?' delve deeper into these issues, examining the challenges posed by AI-generated content and the potential for it to disrupt the current internet ecosystem.

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