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Topic: Morality Tales

Morality Tales: Stories that impart ethical lessons and caution against vices like greed, hubris, and violence.

More on: Morality Tales

The podcast episodes provided examine how traditional stories from diverse cultures often serve as vehicles for imparting moral wisdom, promoting virtuous values, and cautioning against human flaws and vices.

These 'morality tales' use fantastical elements, archetypal characters, and compelling narratives to convey ethical lessons about topics such as greed, hubris, revenge, and the perils of obsession. By analyzing the thematic underpinnings and symbolic meanings woven into these classic stories, the episodes shed light on how folklore has long been used to shape culture and transmit timeless wisdom.

The episodes cover a range of morality-themed stories, from the cautionary tale of a white witch's downfall in "Indian Fairy Tales: Eye Love You" to the fable-like narrative of "The Fisherman and his Wife" warning against unbridled ambition. Other standout episodes include the exploration of a Slavic folktale's moral lessons about contentment in "Slavic Folklore: One High Five Man" and the examination of ethical quandaries in Korean ghost stories in "Korean folklore: Ghosts and Goblins".

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