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Topic: Movie franchises

Movie franchises are established series of films that often build on previous installments, developing shared storylines and characters to create a cohesive cinematic universe.

More on: Movie franchises

The podcast episodes provided highlight the importance and impact of movie franchises within the entertainment industry.

Several episodes discuss the performance and potential of various franchises, such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars, and Terminator. For example, episode "Quiddlers // Steven Seagal Runs Weird [7]" covers the evaluation of movie franchises and their longevity, while episode "Caitlin Clark's Olympic Mistake, Will Smith's Bad Boy Redemption, & A Flagrant Death in the Family" speculates on the future of major franchises like Marvel and Star Wars.

The podcasts also explore the challenges and considerations surrounding successful movie franchises, including factors like box office performance, audience reception, and the need for continuous innovation to maintain relevance and appeal.

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