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Topic: Multiverse theory

The multiverse theory suggests the existence of multiple parallel universes, potentially created by different 'runs' of a simulation.

More on: Multiverse theory

The multiverse theory, which suggests the existence of multiple parallel universes, is a recurring theme across the podcast episodes provided.

In the episode 'Rizwan Virk', the guest discusses connections between quantum mechanics, religious traditions, and the possibility of our reality being a computer simulation, exploring the concept of parallel timelines and the implications of advanced civilizations creating simulated realms.

The episode 'Black Hole Theory Cosmology (WHAT ARE BLACK HOLES?!) Part 2 with Ronald Gamble, Jr.' delves into the multiverse theory in relation to the possibilities surrounding black holes and their implications.

The film 'Everything Everywhere All at Once', discussed in the 'Race, queerness, and superpowers in 'Everything, Everywhere, All at Once'' episode, uses the multiverse concept as a narrative device and metaphor for exploring different aspects of identity and life choices.

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