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Topic: Narrative structure

Narrative structure refers to the arrangement and organization of events and information within a story, play, film, or other work of fiction or non-fiction.

More on: Narrative structure

The podcast episodes provided discuss narrative structure in various contexts, exploring how unconventional or innovative approaches to storytelling can challenge traditional formats and engage audiences in new ways.

For example, the episode 'An Ask-Us-Anything Mailbag, and 'I Saw the TV Glow,' with Jane Schoenbrun' examines how filmmaker Jane Schoenbrun utilizes body horror, nostalgia, and identity to craft a unique narrative in their film 'I Saw the TV Glow'.

Similarly, the episode 'Gr3gory88 | CreepCast' discusses the importance of effective narrative structure and resolution, particularly in the context of unconventional storytelling formats like Twitter ARGs.

The podcast episodes also touch on the role of narrative structure in long-form writing, as seen in the discussion of author Steven Johnson's approach to using AI to supplement the creative writing process in the episode 'How to Write with AI | Steven Johnson | How I Write Podcast'.

Additionally, the episode 'Rerun: #533 Hua Hsu (May 2023)' examines how author Hua Hsu intentionally structured his Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir 'Stay True' to reveal key events at strategic points in the narrative.

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