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Topic: National identity

National identity is a complex, multifaceted concept that encompasses a sense of belonging, shared cultural traditions, and the relationship between the individual and the state.

More on: National identity

The concept of national identity and its evolving meanings is a central theme explored across the podcast episodes provided.

The episodes delve into how factors such as personal backgrounds, regional differences, political ideologies, historical events, and cultural traditions shape the way individuals and societies relate to their national identity. Examples include exploring American national identity through lenses of patriotism, founding ideals, and the complexities of inclusion and accountability ('America, we love you. But it's hard.'), examining the tensions between British, English, Scottish, and Irish identities in the context of the United Kingdom ('The End of the UK?'), and analyzing how national identity is expressed and contested in the cases of India ('Modi's India Episode 4: The Storyteller') and Taiwan ('What It Means To Be Taiwanese For One Family').

The episodes also touch on how national identity can be weaponized for political gain, as seen in the discussions around the rise of far-right nationalism in Europe #1637 Shifting Populations, Shifting Politics) and the use of birtherism to undermine the legitimacy of political candidates in the United States ('Trump Brings Back Birtherism Taunts').

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